02 January 2008

Governance Workshop at the Center for Nonprofit Management in Los Angeles

Welcome back!

Greetings and Happy New Year! I hope you are looking forward to a great year in 2008. [Please forward to your network or within your organization as you think appropriate or helpful.]

I will be presenting an introductory workshop on Policy Governance® at the Southern California Center for Nonprofit Management January 17, 2008, 2 pm – 5 pm.

Leadership Excellence—Good Governance is my usual workshop title:

How can you attract and retain good board members? Give them the right job and the right tools. Governance is the highest level of organizational leadership. The job of governance needs to emphasize values, vision, empowerment of both board and staff, and the strategic ability to lead leaders. Workshop participants (board members and staff leaders) will (1) gain appreciation of leadership through governance, (2) define roles of management and board distinct from one another, (3) identify the unique job outputs of the board, (4) avoid meddling and “rubber-stamping.”

More information and registration can be found here.

It would be great to hear from you. Registration for the workshop must go through the Center for Nonprofit Management.

Your ideas matter here! Please leave a comment.

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